

词组 get the ax
释义 get the axv. phr. slang 〖俚〗1To be fired from a job. 被解雇。◆ Poor Joe got the ax at the office yesterday.可怜的乔昨天被革职了。2To be dismissed from school for improper conduct, such as cheating. 被开除。◆ Joe got caught cheating on his final exam and he got the ax.乔期末考试作弊被捉后就被开除了。3To have a quarrel with one's sweetheart or steady ending in a termination of the relationship. 被恋人(或情人)抛弃。◆ Joe got the ax from Betsie — they won't see each other again.乔被贝茜抛弃了——他们彼此不再相见。




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