

词组 get smart with someone
释义 get smart with someonev. phr.To start sassing someone; to answer back impudently; to act like a know-it-all. 对某人出言不逊;跟某人顶嘴;自以为无所不知。◆ When Johnny started to argue with his father about absolutely everything as if he knew more than his dad, Mr. Smith admonished his son: "Don't you get smart with me young man, or I'll cut your weekly allowance."当约翰尼开始样样事情都跟父亲争论,仿佛他比他爸爸知道得还要多时,史密斯先生警告儿子说:“不要在我面前太放肆,年轻人,不然我就停掉每周给你的零用钱。”




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