

词组 grease sb.'s palm or grease the palm
释义 grease sb.'s palm or grease the palmslang 〖俚〗1To pay a person for something done or given, especially dishonestly; bribe. 买通某人;贿赂某人。◆ Some politicians will help you if you grease their palms.有些政客只要你贿赂他们,他们就会帮你。2To give a tip; pay for a special favor or extra help. 给某人小费;塞钱给某人以得到优待(或额外帮助)。◆ We had to grease the palm of the waiter to get a table in the crowded restaurant.我们得给侍者塞钱才能在拥挤的餐厅里弄到一张桌子。




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