

词组 not over until the fat lady sings or it's not over until it's over
释义 not over until the fat lady sings or it's not over until it's overadv. phr.from old-fashioned country circus performances, or sports, said in jest Ongoing activities do not come to an end until the proper conclusion. 〖谑〗(源自老式的乡村马戏表演或体育运动)事情有了适当的结论才结束;要等结束了才算完。◆ During the lengthy court trial jurors were getting restless and many wanted to leave, until the foreman said, "It's not over until the fat lady sings."在冗长的庭审期间,陪审员们越来越焦躁不安,很多人都想离开,这时陪审团团长说:“要等审出个结果来才算完。”




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