

词组 wear out
释义 wear outv.1aTo use or wear until useless. 用坏;穿破。◆ The stockings are so worn out that they can't be mended any more.那双长袜破得厉害,已经无法再补了。1bTo become useless from use or wear. 用坏;穿破。◆ One shoe wore out before the other.一只鞋比另一只鞋先穿破了。2or tire out To make very tired; weaken. 使精疲力竭;使虚弱。◆ When Dick got home from the long walk, he was all worn out.迪克散步走了很多路,回到家里已精疲力竭。◆ Don't wear yourself out by playing too hard.不要玩得太累。3To make by rubbing, scraping, or washing. 磨出;刮出;冲出。◆ The waterfall has worn out a hole in the stone beneath it.瀑布把它下面的石头冲蚀出一个洞。




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