

词组 build up
释义 build upv.1To make out of separate pieces or layers; construct from parts. 建成;建造。◆ Johnny built up a fort out of large balls of snow.约翰尼用一些大雪球堆成了一座城堡。2To cover over or fill up with buildings. 以建筑物覆盖;在…上造满房子。◆ A driver should slow down when he comes to an area that is built up.车开到房子密集的地区,司机应减速。3aTo increase slowly or by small amounts; grow. 缓慢增加;增长。◆ John built up a bank account by saving regularly.约翰定期储蓄,银行存款慢慢增多。3bTo make stronger or better or more effective. 增强;改进;使更有效。◆ Fred exercised to build up his muscles.弗雷德锻炼身体以增强肌肉。3cinformal To advertise quickly and publicize so as to make famous. 〖非正式〗大肆宣传;吹捧。◆ The press agent built up the young actress.新闻广告员大肆吹捧那位年轻的女演员。




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