

词组 latch on or latch onto
释义 latch on or latch ontov. informal 〖非正式〗1To get hold of; grasp or grab; catch. 抓住。◆ He looked for something to latch onto and keep from falling.他四处寻找,看看有什么东西可以抓住,以免跌倒。2slang To get into your possession. 〖俚〗得到。◆ The banker latched onto a thousand shares of stock.那个银行家买了1000股股票。3slang To understand. 〖俚〗理解。◆ The teacher explained the idea of jet engines until the students latched onto it.老师解释喷气发动机的原理,直到学生们理解为止。4informal To keep; to hold. 〖非正式〗保留;握住。◆ The poor woman latched onto the little money she had left.那可怜的女人死死保住她仅剩的一点钱。




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