

词组 wear down, wear off or wear away
释义 wear down, wear off or wear awayv.1To remove or disappear little by little through use, time, or the action of weather. 磨损;磨去;逐渐消失。◆ Time and weather have worn off the name on the gravestone.时光流逝,风雨侵蚀,墓碑上的名字被慢慢磨掉了。2To lessen; become less little by little. 逐渐减弱,逐渐减少。◆ John could feel the pain again as the dentist's medicine wore away.随着药性慢慢过去,约翰又感到牙痛了。3To exhaust; tire out, win over or persuade by making tired. 使精疲力竭;使厌烦;用疲劳轰炸的办法赢得(或说服)。◆ Mary wore her mother down by begging so that she let Mary go to the movies.玛丽苦苦哀求令母亲不胜厌烦,于是便同意她去看电影了。




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