

词组 come round or come around
释义 come round or come aroundv.1To happen or appear again and again in regular order. 再度发生;再度来临。◆ And so Saturday night came around again.星期六晚上又来了。◆ I will tell him when he comes round again.他再来的时候我会告诉他的。2informal To get back health or knowledge of things; get well from sickness or a faint. 〖非正式〗恢复健康;恢复知觉;复原;苏醒。◆ Jim has come around after having had stomach ulcers.吉姆患过胃溃疡后已经康复了。3To change direction. 改变方向。◆ The wind has come round to the south.风向已转南了。4informal To change your opinion or purpose to agree with another's. 〖非正式〗改变意见;接受别人的看法。◆ Tom came round when Dick told him the whole story.狄克把整个情况告诉他以后,汤姆改变了看法。




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