

词组 high camp
释义 high campn. slang, show business〖俚〗〖娱乐性行业〗 1Kirsch, or pretentious material in bad taste that is still liked by higher class audiences. (上流社会观众仍喜爱的)时新有趣的庸俗矫饰之作;矫揉造作。◆ The Potsdam Quartet is a play full of high camp.《波茨坦四重奏》是一部平庸拙劣但时新有趣的剧作。2An exaggerated movie or theater scene that loses believability. (电影、戏剧中)过于夸张的情节(或场面)。◆ Scarecrow and Mrs. King and Sledge Hammer are so full of high camp that no sensible people watch them anymore.《稻草人和金夫人》及《大锤》中充斥着过于夸张的情节,明智的人们都不再看它们了。middle camp and low camp refer to theatrical kitsch preferred by middle class and low class audiences, respectively. middle camp和low camp分别指中产阶级观众和下层社会观众喜爱的戏剧作品。




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