

词组 high and dry
释义 high and dryadv. or adj. phr.1Up above the water; beyond the reach of splashing or waves. 不在水中;在水流(或潮水)达不到的地方。◆ Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry.玛丽担心自己把浴巾丢在了潮水可以涌到的地方,但她发现它在潮水到不了的地方。2Without anyone to help; alone and with no help. 无人帮忙;孤立无援。◆ When the time came to put up the decorations, Mary was left high and dry.到开始要把装饰品放上去时,就只剩下玛丽一个人在干活了。




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