

词组 rule out
释义 rule outv.1To say that (something) must not be done; not allow; also: decide against. 不准做;不允许;反对。◆ The principal ruled out dances on school nights.校长不准学生在上课的晚上跳舞。2To show that (someone or something) is not a possibility; make it unnecessary to think about; remove (a chance). 排除…的可能性;排除。◆ The doctor took X rays to rule out the chance of broken bones.医生照了X光,排除了骨折的可能性。3To make impossible; prevent. 使不可能;阻止。◆ Father's illness seems to rule out college for Jean.父亲的生病看来要使琼又上不了大学了。




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