

词组 miss by a mile
释义 miss by a milev. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To shoot at something and be far from hitting it; not hit near. 远远没击中。◆ Jack's first shot missed the target by a mile.杰克的第一枪远远没击中目标。2To be very wrong; be far from right. 大错特错;完全离谱。◆ Lee tried to guess on the examination, but his answers missed by a mile.李考试时连蒙带猜,但答案却差了十万八千里。3To fail badly; not succeed at all. 遭到惨败;完全不成功。◆ John Brown wanted to be governor but in the election he missed by a mile.约翰·布朗想当州长,但在选举中却遭到惨败。




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