

词组 clear up
释义 clear upv.1To make plain or clear; explain; solve. 澄清;解释;解决。◆ The teacher cleared up the harder parts of the story.教师解释了故事中比较难懂的部分。◆ Maybe we can clear up your problem.也许我们可以解决你的问题。2To become clear. (天气)变晴。◆ The weather cleared up after the storm.暴风雨过后,天气转晴了。3To cure. 医好。◆ The pills cleared up his stomach trouble.这些药片治好了他的胃病。4To put back into a normal, proper, or healthy state. 使恢复正常(或健康)的状态;清理。◆ The doctor can give you something to clear up your skin.医生可以给你一些东西治好你的皮肤病。◆ Susan cleared up the room.苏珊把房间清理了一番。5To become cured. 被医好。◆ This skin trouble will clear up in a day or two. 这种皮肤病一两天就会好的。




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