

词组 kick around
释义 kick aroundv. informal 1To act roughly or badly to; treat badly; bully. 粗暴地对待,虐待;欺凌。◆ John likes to kick around the little boys.约翰喜欢欺负小男孩。2To lie around or in a place; be treated carelessly; be neglected. 被闲置;被忽视;被冷落。◆ The letter kicked around on my desk for days.这封信丢在我桌子上已有好多天了。3slang To talk easily or carelessly back and forth about; examine in a careless or easygoing way. 〖俚〗随便谈一谈,闲扯;随意检视。◆ Bob and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.鲍勃和我闲扯了一下去游泳的想法,但天太热了,我们懒得动。




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