

词组 kick over
释义 kick overv.1Of a motor: To begin to work.(引擎)启动。◆ He had not used his car for two months and when he tried to start it, the motor would not kick over.他已有两个月没用他的汽车了,所以当他试图开车时,引擎却发动不起来了。2slang To pay; contribute. 〖俚〗缴付;捐赠。◆ The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $500 a week.那帮歹徒强迫这一街区的所有店主每周缴付500美元。3slang To die. 〖俚〗死。◆ Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over this morning.欧莱利太太的母牛今天早晨死了。




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