

词组 blow up
释义 blow upv.1aTo break or destroy or to be destroyed by explosion. 爆炸;爆裂;(被)炸毁。◆ He blew up the plane by means of a concealed bomb.他用一枚预先藏好的炸弹炸毁了飞机。1binformal To explode with anger or strong feeling; lose control of yourself. 〖非正式〗大发脾气;大怒。◆ When Father bent the nail for the third time, he blew up.当父亲第三次把钉子钉弯时,他大为光火。1cTo stop playing well in a game or contest, usually because you are in danger of losing or are tired; especially: To lose skill or control in pitching baseball. (在比赛中因面临失败或太疲倦而)表现失常;(尤指棒球投手)技术发挥失常。◆ The champion blew up and lost the tennis match.那位网球冠军因发挥失常而输掉了比赛。2informal To be ruined as if by explosion; be ended suddenly. 〖非正式〗告吹;泡汤。◆ The whole scheme for a big party suddenly blew up.举行盛大聚会的整个计划突然泡汤了。3aTo pump full of air; inflate. 使充气;给(轮胎)打气。◆ He blew his tires up at a filling station.他在一家加油站给轮胎充足了气。3bTo make (something) seem bigger or important. 夸大;对…言过其实。◆ It was a small thing to happen but the newspapers had blown it up until it seemed important.这本是一件小事,但报纸夸大其词使它显得重要了。4To bring on bad weather; also, to come on as bad weather. 使坏天气出现;(坏天气)出现。◆ The wind had blown up a storm.风引发了暴雨。5To copy in bigger form; enlarge. 放大(照片等)◆ He blew up the snapshot to a larger size.他把照片放大了。




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