

词组 can't make an omelette without breaking (some) eggs
释义 can't make an omelette without breaking (some) eggsTo achieve a certain goal one must sometimes incur damage, experience difficulties, or make sacrifices. — A proverb. 〖谚〗要煎蛋饼就得打破鸡蛋;欲达目的需花代价;有失才有得。◆ When we drove across the country, we put a lot of mileage on our car and had a flat tire, but it was a pleasant trip. "Well, you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs," my wife said with a smile. 当我们驱车穿越整个国家时,我们给我们的汽车增加了很多英里的行驶路程并爆了一只轮胎,但这是一次愉快的旅行。“是的,要煎蛋饼就得打破鸡蛋,”我的妻子微笑着说。




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