

词组 not give a damn or dam or not to give a hoot
释义 not give a damn or dam or not to give a hootv. phr.always negative To not care about something; be scornfully unconcerned; said in disdain and derision. 毫不在乎。◆ "Myron is in jail again for shoplifting," Myron's brother said to Bob. "Sorry," Bob replied, "but I tried to help him for years without success. At this point I don't give a damn what happens to him."“迈伦因在店里偷东西又被送进了监狱,”迈伦的哥哥对鲍勃说。“对不起,”鲍勃回答说。“我几年来一直想帮助他都没有成功。现在,不管他出什么事,我都不在乎了。”




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