

词组 guns or butter or guns and butter or guns before butter
释义 guns or butter or guns and butter or guns before buttern. phr.The choice between a country's ability to wage war and feed the population property, or the desire to do both, or the statement that one is rich and powerful enough to do both. 大炮还是黄油;大炮加黄油;大炮优先于黄油(指一个国家的政策是重视军事还是经济或两者并重或重视前者)。◆ Countries that don't care for affluence and wish to fight may opt for guns before butter. Wealthy countries that are able to keep society affluent and wage war simultaneously, may speak of the economy's strength to have both guns and butter. Some may simply ask, "Is it going to be guns or butter?" 不重视富裕而希望打仗的国家可能会选择大炮优先于黄油的政策。能同时保持社会富裕并发动战争的富国在谈到经济实力时可以说既有大炮也有黄油。而有些人则可以简单地问一句:“是要大炮呢还是要黄油?”




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