

词组 break up
释义 break upv. (stress on up) (重读up) 1To break into pieces. 粉碎;打碎;破裂。◆ The workmen broke up the pavement to dig up the pipes under it.工人们敲开人行道,挖出了下面的管子。◆ River ice breaks up in the spring.春天河里的冰开始碎裂。2informal To lose or destroy spirit or self-control. — Usually used in the passive. 〖非正式〗使精神垮掉。——通常用于被动语态。◆ Mrs. Lawrence was all broken up after her daughter's death, and did not go out of the house for two months.女儿死后,劳伦斯夫人的精神完全崩溃了,有两个月没有出家门。3To come or to put to an end, especially by separation; separate. 结束;终止;分开。◆ Some men kept interrupting the speakers, and finally broke up the meeting.有些男人不停地打断发言者,并最终使会议不欢而散。◆ The party broke up at midnight. —Often used in the informal phrase break it up.聚会在午夜结束。通常用于非正式短语break it up中。◆ The boys were fighting, and a passing policeman ordered them to break it up.男孩子们在打架,一个路过的警察命令他们住手。4informal To stop being friends. 〖非正式〗绝交。◆ Mary and June were good friends and did everything together, but then they had a quarrel and broke up.玛丽和琼本来是好朋友,无论做什么事情都在一起,但后来两人吵了一架就绝交了。




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