

词组 be on
释义 be onv. phr.1To be in operation; be in the process of being presented. 工作着;正在放映(或上演)◆ The news is on now on Channel 2; it will be off in five minutes. 2频道现在正在播新闻;再有5分钟就结束了。2To be in the process of happening; to take place. 正在发生;进行,举行。◆ We cannot travel now to certain parts of Africa, as there is a civil war on there right now.我们现在不能去非洲某些地区旅行,因为此刻那里正在打内战。3To be on duty在值班,在上班。◆ "Is the night guard on Saturday and Sunday?" the new tenant asked the landlady. "No, he's off on weekends," she answered.新来的房客问女房东:“夜间警卫星期六和星期天上班吗?”女房东回答说:“不,他周末不上班。”




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