

词组 do one's thing or do one's own thing
释义 do one's thing or do one's own thingv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To do what one does well and actually enjoys doing. 做自己最拿手的事;做自己最爱做的事。◆ Two thousand fans paid $15 each to hear the rock group do their thing.两千名歌迷每人付了15美元来听摇滚乐演唱组尽情演唱。2To follow one's bent; for example, to be engaged in left-wing politics, some sort of meditation, or use of drugs (particularly in the sixties). 按自己的意愿(或兴趣)行事(尤指1960年代从事左翼政治活动、默想或吸毒等)。◆ The hippies were doing their own thing when the cops came and busted them.警察来逮捕他们时,嬉皮士们正在吸毒。3To be engaged in an unusual activity that strikes others as odd. 做别人以为的怪事。◆ Leave Jim alone, he's just doing his own thing when he's standing on his head.别去打扰吉姆,他竖倒立只是自己喜欢。




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