

词组 as well
释义 as welladv. phr.1In addition; also, too; besides. 也;又;还。◆ The book tells about Mark Twain's writings and about his life as well.这本书谈到马克·吐温的作品,也谈到他的生平。◆ Tom is captain of the football team and is on the baseball team as well.汤姆是橄榄球队的队长,同时又是棒球队的队员。2Without loss and possibly with gain. 不妨;还不如。◆ After the dog ran away, Father thought he might as well sell the dog house.狗跑掉后,父亲认为不妨把狗房也卖掉。◆ Since he can't win the race, he may as well quit.他既然赢不了这场比赛,还不如退出为好。◆ It's just as well you didn't come yesterday, because we were away.幸好你们昨天没来,因为我们不在。




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