

词组 account for
释义 account forv. phr.1To rationally or scientifically explain the reason for something. 解释;说明(原因等)。◆ The view that the earth revolves around its axis and circles the sun in a year accounts much better for the changing of the seasons than the old geocentric view.对季节变化的解释,地球绕地轴自转并环绕太阳一年运行一圈的观点大大优于过去的地球中心说。2To render accurate inventory of cash, personnel, objects, etc. 说明钱财的处置情况,报账;讲清;了解。◆ Joe was fired because he failed to account for the missing $50,000.乔因无法说明缺失的5万美元是怎么回事而被解雇。◆ A good platoon commander accounts for every enlisted man under his command.一名优秀的排长要非常了解他指挥的每一名士兵。




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