

词组 beat up
释义 beat upv.informal To give a hard beating to; hit hard and much; thrash; whip. 〖非正式〗痛打;狠揍;鞭打。◆ When the new boy first came, he had to beat up several neighborhood bullies before they would leave him alone. —Also used with on那男孩初来时,把邻近地区的几个恶棍狠揍了一顿,他们才不再来惹他。亦与on 连用。◆ The tough boy said to Bill, "If you come around here again, I'll beat up on you."那个蛮横霸道的小子对比尔说:“你如果再来这儿,我就狠狠地揍你一顿。”




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