

词组 about to
释义 about to1Close to; ready to. — Used with an infinitive. 即将;就要。——与不定式连用。◆ We were about to leave when the snow began.我们正准备离开就开始下雪了。◆ I haven't gone yet, but I'm about to.我还没走,但就要走了。COMPAREGOING TO, ON THE POINT OF 2informal Having a wish or plan to. —Used with an infinitive in negative sentences.〖非正式〗有意,打算。——在否定句中与不定式连用。◆ "Will she come with us?" asked Bill. "She's not about to," answered Mary.“她会和我们一起来吗?”比尔问。“她没有这个意思,”玛丽回答说。




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