

词组 pick up
释义 pick upv. (stress on up) (重读up)1To take up; lift. 拿起,捡起;提起。◆ During the morning Mrs. Carter picked up sticks in the yard.早晨,卡特太太拾捡院子里的小树枝。2informal To pay for someone else. 〖非正式〗为别人付账。◆ After lunch, in the restaurant, Uncle Bob picked up the check.在餐馆里用过午餐后,鲍勃叔叔为大家付了账。3To take on or away; receive; get. 把…载上车;搭乘(车、船)等。◆ At the next corner the bus stopped and picked up three people.公共汽车在下一个拐角处停下来,让3个人上了车。4To get from different places at different times; a little at a time; collect. 随时随地收集。◆ He had picked up rare coins in seaports all over the world.他已在世界各地的海港收集到不少的珍贵的硬币。5To get without trying; get accidentally. 无意地获得;偶然得到。◆ He picked up knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.他只是待在电台里就学到了一些无线电的知识。6aTo gather together; collect. 收拾;收集。◆ When the carpenter finished making the cabinet, he began picking up his tools.造完柜子后,木匠开始收拾他的工具。6bTo make neat and tidy; tidy up; put in order. 使整洁;整理。◆ Pick up your room before Mother sees it.在母亲看到之前,整理好你的房间。6cTo gather things together; tidy a place up. 收拾好东西;收拾整洁。◆ It's almost dinner time, children. Time to pick up and get ready.快要吃晚饭啦,孩子们!收拾好东西准备吃饭吧。7To catch the sound of. 收听到。◆ He picked up Chicago on the radio.他收听到芝加哥的电台广播。8To get acquainted with (someone) without an introduction; make friends with (a person of the other sex). 与…偶然结识(常指与异性调情)。◆ Mother told Mary not to walk home by herself from the party because some stranger might try to pick her up.母亲告诉玛丽舞会后不要独自回家,以免陌生人与她搭讪。9informal To take to the police station or jail; arrest. 〖非正式〗逮捕;拘捕。◆ Police picked the man up for burglary.警察逮捕了那个窃贼。10To recognize the trail of a hunted person or animal; find. 发现(逃犯或动物的踪迹)。◆ State police picked up the bandit's trail.州里的警察找到了歹徒的踪迹。11To make (someone) feel better; refresh. 振作;提神;使恢复精力。◆ A little food will pick you up.吃点东西你就有精神了。12a. To increase (the speed); make (the speed) faster. 加速。◆ The teacher told her singing class to pick up the tempo.老师要唱歌班上的同学唱得快一些。12b. To become faster; become livelier. 变快;活泼起来。◆ The speed of the train began to pick up.火车的速度开始变快。13To start again after interruption; go on with. 中止后重新开始;继续。◆ The class picked up the story where they had left it before the holiday.班上的学生继续读放假前未读完的故事。14informal To become better; recover; gain. 〖非正式〗好转;康复。◆ He picked up gradually after a long illness.久病之后他逐渐地康复了。




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