

词组 sour grapes
释义 sour grapesn. phr.originally from one of Aesop's fables A saying often heard when one belittles something he or she cannot get, but wants very much. 酸葡萄(源出《伊索寓言》,寓指因得不到而加以贬低的东西)。◆ "I didn't get the job I wanted, but it is a good thing, because it's not a very good company," Ted said. "Excuse me," John replied, "but it sounds to me like a case of 'sour grapes.'"“我没有得到那份工作,不过这也是一件好事,因为那并不是一家很好的公司,”泰德说。“对不起,”约翰回答说。“但我怎么听上去就像是吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸呢。”




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