

词组 sound off
释义 sound offv.1To say your name or count "One! Two! Three! Four!" as you march. — Used as orders in U. S. military service. 报姓名;呼行军齐步走口令(即“一!二!三!四!”)。——用作美军中的命令。◆ "Sound off!" said the sergeant, and the soldiers shouted, "One! Two! Three! Four!" with each step as they marched.中士说:“呼行军口令!”于是士兵便随着行军的步伐喊道:“一!二!三!四!”2informal To tell what you know or think in a loud clear voice, especially to brag or complain. 〖非正式〗高声直言;夸夸其谈;大声抱怨。◆ If you don't like the way we're doing the job, sound off!如果你不喜欢我们的工作方式,那就直说好了!




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