

词组 open up
释义 open upv.1To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. 展示;展现;揭示。◆ The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to Mary.海伦·凯勒的生平故事给玛丽展示了一个全新的世界。2To make available; present an opportunity; offer. 提供可能性;提供机会;提供。◆ The building of the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers.铁路的建成为开拓者提供了新的土地。3informal To go faster. 〖非正式〗加速。◆ When they got out on the highway John opened up and drove at 65 miles per hour.他们一开上公路,约翰就加快速度,以每小时65英里的速度行驶。4informal To begin to shoot. 〖非正式〗开始射击。◆ When they got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had.接近敌人防线时,他们便用所有的武器开始射击。5informal To begin to talk frankly. 〖非正式〗开始坦率地谈;畅谈。◆ After John learned to trust Mr. Jones, he opened up and told him how he felt.在约翰发现可以信任琼斯先生后,他便敞开心扉,把自己的感受告诉了他。6To spread out. 展开;变宽。◆ After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly.过了一会,路面变宽,我们行驶得更快了。7To become available. 变得可能;可以得到。◆ When she got her college diploma, many new jobs opened up.在她获得了大学文凭后,许多新的工作就可供她选择了。




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