

词组 take it easy
释义 take it easyv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1or go easy or take things easy To go or act slowly, carefully, and gently. — Used with on. 别急;慢慢来;小心点;温柔点。——常与on 连用。◆ Take it easy. The roads are icy.开慢点。路面上有冰。◆ "Go easy," said Billy to the other boys carrying the table down the stairs.比利对抬着桌子下楼的其他男孩说:“当心点。”2or take things easy To avoid hard work or worry; have an easy time; live in comfort. 不拼命工作;不发愁;轻轻松松;过舒服日子。◆ The doctor said that Bob would have to take things easy for awhile after he had his tonsils out.医生说,鲍勃摘除扁桃体后必须休息一段时间。




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