

词组 a little
释义 a littlen. or adj.A small amount (of); some. —Usually a little is different in meaning from little, which emphasizes the negative; a little means 'some'; but little means 'not much.' 少量;一些;一点。——通常a little与little在意义上有所不同,后者强调否定之意;a little意为“一些”;而little则意为“不多”。We say◆ "We thought that the paper was all gone, but a little was left."我们说,“我们以为纸都用光了,结果还剩下一些。”But we say◆ "We thought we still had a bag of flour, but little was left."但我们说,“我们以为还有一袋面粉,结果是所剩不多了。”Also, we say◆ "Bob was sick yesterday, but he is a little better today."我们也说,“鲍勃昨天病了,但今天已经好了一点。” But we say◆ "Bob was sick yesterday, and he is little better today."但我们说,“鲍勃昨天病了,而今天也没怎么见好。”Sometimes a little is used with only, and then it is negative. 有时a little与only连用,这时它表示否定。◆ We thought we had a whole bag of flour, but only a little was left.我们以为我们有整整一袋面粉,但其实只剩下一点了。◆ We have used most of the sugar; but a little is left. —Often used like an adverb.我们已用了大部分的糖,但还剩下一些。常用作副词。◆ Usually the teacher just watched the dancing class, but sometimes she danced a little to show them how. —Sometimes used with very for emphasis.通常老师只是看着舞蹈班上的学生跳舞,但有时候她也跳一些为学生们示范。有时与very连用表示强调。◆ The sick girl could not eat anything, but she could drink a very little tea.那个生病的女孩什么都不能吃,但她能喝很少的茶。




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