

词组 take in
释义 take inv.1To include. 包括。◆ The country's boundaries were changed to take in a piece of land beyond the river.该国的边界有所改变,把河对岸的一块地包括了进来。2To go and see; visit. 去看;参观。◆ We planned to take in Niagara Falls and Yellowstone Park on our trip.我们计划在旅程中去参观尼亚加拉瀑布和黄石公园。3To make smaller. 改小。◆ This waistband is too big; it must be taken in about an inch.这根腰带太大,必须缩小1英寸左右。4To grasp with the mind; understand. 领会;理解。◆ He didn't take in what he read because his mind was on something else.他没有理解他读的东西,因为他心不在焉。5aTo deceive; cheat; fool. 欺骗;愚弄。◆ The teacher was taken in by the boy's innocent manner.老师被男孩那副无辜的样子所欺骗了。5bTo accept without question; believe. 毫不怀疑地接受;相信。◆ The magician did many tricks, and the children took it all in.魔术师变了许多戏法,孩子们都信以为真。6aTo receive; get. 收到;得到。◆ The senior class held a dance to make money and took in over a hundred dollars.毕业班的同学举办舞会赚钱,收入超过了100美元。6bLet come in; admit. 让…进入;接纳,接受。◆ When her husband died, Mrs. Smith took in boarders.丈夫去世后,史密斯太太接受了一些寄膳者。7To see or hear with interest; pay close attention to. 感兴趣地看或听;全神贯注。◆ When Bill told about his adventures, the other boys took it all in.当比尔讲述他的冒险经历时,别的男孩都津津有味地听着。




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