

词组 marry in haste, repent at leisure
释义 marry in haste, repent at leisureIf one accepts a deal, job, or position too fast, one may come to regret it later. — A proverb. 〖谚〗结婚太急,后悔莫及。◆ "I am really unhappy with this overseas assignment," John complained to his brother Ted. " Well, I told you to wait and look around some more, remember?" Ted answered. "Marry in haste, repent at leisure, as the saying goes."“对这份派驻海外的工作我真的很不满意,”约翰对他的哥哥泰德抱怨说。“嗯,我早就告诉过你要等一等,多看看再说,还记得吗?”泰德回答说。“俗话说得好,结婚太急,后悔莫及。”




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