

词组 make up
释义 make upv. (stress on up)1To make by putting things or parts together. (重读up)组成,构成。◆ A car is made up of many different parts.汽车由许多不同部件组成。2To invent; think and say something that is new or not true. 发明;虚构;编造。◆ Jean makes up stories to amuse her little brother.琼编一些故事逗她的小弟弟。3aTo do or provide (something lacking or needed); do or supply (something not done, lost, or missed); get back; regain; give back; repay. 弥补;补足;补偿;取回;偿还。◆ I have to make up the test I missed last week.我得补上上周错过的考试。3bTo do what is lacking or needed; do or give what should be done or given; get or give back what has been lost, missed, or not done; get or give instead; pay back. — Used with for. 弥补;补偿;补给;偿还。——与for连用。◆ We made up for lost time by taking an airplane instead of a train.我们没乘火车而改乘飞机以弥补失去的时间。4To put on lipstick and face paint powder. 化妆。◆ Clowns always make up before a circus show.小丑们在马戏表演前都要化妆。◆ Tom watched his sister make up her face for her date.汤姆看着姐姐约会前梳妆打扮。5To become friends again after a quarrel. 和解,言归于好。◆ Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while.玛丽和琼吵架了,不过一会儿就和好了。6To try to make friends with someone; to win favor. — Followed by to. 讨好;巴结。——后跟to。◆ The new boy made up to the teacher by sharpening her pencils.新来的男孩给老师削铅笔以讨好老师。




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