

词组 write up
释义 write upv. (stress on up)(重读up)1To write the story of; describe in writing; give a full account of. 报道;描写;详细记叙。◆ Reporters from many newspapers are here to write up the game.多家报纸的记者已来这里报道比赛。◆ The magazine is writing up the life of the President.这家杂志正在详细报道总统的生活。2To put something thought or talked about into writing; finish writing (something). 把…写成文;写完。◆ The author had an idea for a story when he saw the old house, and he wrote it up later.作家看到那座老宅时就有了写篇故事的想法,后来就把它写出来了。




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