

词组 big time
释义 big timen. informal 1A very enjoyable time at a party or other pleasurable gathering. 快乐的时光。◆ I certainly had a big time at the club last night.昨晚我在俱乐部里确实玩得很开心。2The top group; the leading class; the best or most important company. 第一流的团体;领先的阶层;最好(或最重要)的一群人。◆ After his graduation from college, he soon made the big time in baseball.大学毕业后,他很快就成了第一流的棒球手。◆ Many young actors go to Hollywood, but few of them reach the big time.很多年轻演员到好莱坞去,但成为第一流明星的却为数甚少。




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