

词组 big-time
释义 big-timeadj.Belonging to the top group; of the leading class; important. 第一流的;名列前茅的;重要的。◆ Jean won a talent contest in her home town, and only a year later she began dancing on big-time television.—Often used in the phrase big-time operator.琼在家乡赢得了新秀演出的竞赛,只一年后便在第一流的电视节目中表演舞蹈了。常用于短语big-time operator中。◆ Just because Bill has a new football uniform he thinks he is a big-time operator.比尔仅仅因为自己有了一套新的橄榄球服,就以为自己是个了不起的球员了。




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