

词组 write off
释义 write offv. phr. (stress on off)(重读off)1To remove (an amount) from a business record; cancel (a debt); accept as a loss. 注销;勾销。◆ If a customer dies when he owes the store money, the store must often write it off.如果一名欠债的顾客死了,商店必须把这笔债务勾销。2To accept (a loss or trouble) and not worry anymore about it; forget. 自认倒霉;忘记;不再把…放在心上。◆ Jim's mistake cost him time and money, but he wrote it off to experience.吉姆的错误使他付出了时间和金钱的代价,但他却把它看作是经验。3To say that (something) will fail or not be good; believe worthless. 认为…会失败;认为…不行;认为…无价值。◆ Just because the boys on the team are young, don't write the team off.不要仅仅因为队员们年轻就认为这个球队不行。




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