

词组 blow one's/sb's mind
释义 blow one's/sb's mindv. phr. slang, informal 〖俚〗〖非正式〗; originally from the drug culture源自吸毒者。1To become wildly enthusiastic over something as if understanding it for the first time in an entirely new light. 使自己(或某人)极度兴奋;使自己(或某人)开窍。◆ Read Lyall Watson's book Supernature, it will simply blow your mind!读一读莱亚·沃森的《超自然》一书吧,它定会使你大为开窍!2To lose one's ability to function, as if due to an overdose of drugs. (仿佛服药过量而)使自己(或某人)神志不清。◆ Joe is entirely incoherent — he seems to have blown his mind.乔完全语无伦次了—他似乎是服药过量而神志不清了。




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