

词组 wouldn't put it past someone
释义 wouldn't put it past someonev. phr.To think that someone is quite capable or likely to have done something undesirable or illegal. 认为某人(很有可)能(做了某坏事或非法的事)。◆ The congressman is insisting that he didn't violate congressional ethics, but knowing both his expensive habits and his amorous escapades, many of us wouldn't put it past him that he might have helped himself to funds illegally.那位国会议员坚持说他没有违反国会的行为准则,但因为了解他花钱大手大脚的习惯和他性爱方面的越轨行为,我们很多人都认为他很可能已非法窃取了那些基金。




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