

词组 raincheck
释义 raincheckn.1A special free ticket to another game or show that will be given in place of one canceled because of rain. (露天比赛或表演)因雨改期再举行时作为入场券的免费票。◆ When the drizzle turned into a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day. He told the crowd that they would be given rainchecks for tomorrow's game as they went out through the gates.当毛毛雨变成大雨时,经理宣布棒球比赛将于次日重新举行。他让观众在出场时领取次日比赛的免费票。2informal A promise to repeat an invitation at a later time. 〖非正式〗(邀请方在受邀请方不能应邀时的)下次再邀请的表示。◆ Bob said, "I'm sorry you can't come to dinner this evening, Dave. I'll give you a raincheck."鲍勃说:“戴夫,很遗憾你今晚不能来吃饭。我当改日再补请你。”




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