

词组 let go
释义 let gov.1aTo stop holding something; loosen your hold; release. 松手;放开。◆ The boy grabbed Jack's coat and would not let go. — Often used with of.那男孩抓住杰克的外套不肯松手。常与of连用。◆ When the child let go of her mother's hand, she fell down.那孩子一松开她母亲的手就跌倒了。1bTo weaken and break under pressure. 断裂,破裂。◆ The old water pipe suddenly let go and water poured out of it.那根旧水管突然破裂,水都涌了出来。2To pay no attention to; neglect. 不注意;不理会;忽略。◆ Robert let his teeth go when he was young and now he has to go to the dentist often.罗伯特年轻时不注意保护牙齿,结果现在不得不经常去看牙医。3To allow something to pass; do nothing about. 听任发生;不管。◆ The children teased Frank, but he smiled and let it go.孩子们取笑弗兰克,但他只是付之一笑不加理会。4To discharge from a job; fire. 解雇;开除。◆ Mr. Wilson got into a quarrel with his boss and was let go.威尔逊先生与老板吵了一架,结果被开除了。5To make (something) go out quickly; shoot; fire. 使射出;发射;开枪。◆ Robin Hood let go an arrow at the deer.罗宾汉对着那只鹿射出了一箭。6or let oneself go informal To be free in one's actions or talk; relax. 〖非正式〗随心所欲;放松。◆ The cowboys worked hard all week, but on Saturday night they went to town and let themselves go.牛仔们辛辛苦苦地干了一周活,周六晚上便到镇上去纵情欢乐一番。




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