

词组 when in Rome, do as the Romans do
释义 when in Rome, do as the Romans doWhen one is in a strange or new place, it is a good idea to imitate the customs of the natives. — A proverb. 〖谚〗入国问禁,入乡随俗。◆ "I cannot get used to eating with chopsticks," Sam complained to his wife. "Well, you'd better learn to use them, since we are in China," Mary replied. "Remember the old saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.'"“我真不习惯用筷子进餐,”萨姆对妻子抱怨说。“啊,你还是学会用筷子为好,因为我们是在中国。”玛丽回答说。“俗话说得好‘入国问禁,入乡随俗’。”




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