

词组 what's in it for me?
释义 what's in it for me?v. phr.informal How does this deal or activity benefit me? Why should I become involved in it? 〖非正式〗这对我有什么好处?◆ "Let's buy a dinner boat and run it on Lake Michigan," the investment banker suggested to Edward, the classical concert pianist. "What's in it for me?" Edward asked. "That sort of clientele doesn't go for Mozart or Beethoven. I'd like to skip this one, if you don't mind."“那咱们就买条游艇,在密歇根湖上开餐馆吧,”投资银行家向演奏古典乐曲的钢琴家爱德华建议说。“这对我有什么好处呢?”爱德华问。“那类食客既不喜欢莫扎特也不喜欢贝多芬。如果你不介意的话,我想这一投资建议我就不考虑了。”




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