

词组 look up
释义 look upv.1informal To improve in future chances; promise more success. 〖非正式〗好转;有起色。◆ The first year was tough, but business looked up after that.第一年很艰难,但在那以后,生意就好起来了。2To search for; hunt for information about; find. (在词典、参考书等中)查找,查检。◆ It is a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary.遇到生词查词典是个好习惯。3To seek and find. 寻访,看望。◆ While he was in Chicago, Henry looked up a friend of college days.在芝加哥期间,亨利探望了大学时代的一位朋友。




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