

词组 against the clock or against time
释义 against the clock or against timeadv. phr.1As a test of speed or time; in order to beat a speed record or time limit. 测试速度或时间;为了打破速度纪录或时间限制。◆ John ran around the track against time, because there was no one else to race against.因为没有别的人与约翰比赛,他绕着跑道跑时以秒表测定自己的速度。2As fast as possible; so as to do or finish something before a certain time. 尽快地;争分夺秒地。◆ It was a race against the clock whether the doctor would get to the accident soon enough to save the injured man.医生能否及时赶到事故现场抢救那位受伤者,这真是分秒必争的事。3So as to cause delay by using up time. 拖延时间。◆ The outlaw talked against time with the sheriff, hoping that his gang would come and rescue him.那个歹徒尽量与警长讲话以拖延时间,希望他手下的那帮人能赶来救他。




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