

词组 hold on
释义 hold onv.1To keep holding tightly; continue to hold strongly. 抓牢;紧紧抓住。◆ As Ted was pulling on the rope, it began to slip and Earl cried, "Hold on, Ted!"泰德用力拉那根绳子时,绳子突然开始滑落,厄尔大声喊道:“抓紧,泰德!”2To wait and not hang up a telephone; keep a phone for later use. 等一下不挂断电话。◆ Mr. Jones asked me to hold on while he spoke to his secretary.琼斯先生叫我不要挂断电话,等他先跟秘书讲话。3To keep on with a business or job in spite of difficulties. 继续;坚持。◆ It was hard to keep the store going during the depression, but Max held on and at last met with success.经济萧条期间店里的生意很难维持,但马克斯坚持营业,终于获得了成功。4informal To wait a minute; stop. — Usually used as a command. 〖非正式〗等一下;停止。——通常用作命令。◆ "Hold on!" John's father said, "I want the car tonight."“等一下!”约翰的父亲说,“今晚我要用车。”




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