

词组 look out or watch out
释义 look out or watch outv.1To take care; be careful; be on guard. — Usually used as a command or warning. 小心,当心;警惕。——通常用作命令或警告。◆ "Look out!" John called, as the car came toward me.当车子朝我驶来时,约翰大叫:“当心!”◆ "Look out for the train," the sign at the railroad crossing warns.铁路道口的告示牌上写着:“小心火车!”2To be alert or watchful; keep watching. 留神;注意。◆ A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a 1906 gas head lamp.一位古董车收藏者要弗兰克留心寻觅一盏1906年产的煤气前灯。3informal To watch or keep (a person or thing) and do what is needed; provide protection and care. — Used with for. 〖非正式〗照管;看护。——与for连用。◆ Lillian looked out for her sister's children one afternoon a week.莉莲每星期一次去照看她姐姐的孩子。




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